City-Wide and State-Wide Organizations
Metropolitan Council on Housing NYC’s oldest tenant organization.
New York State Tenants & Neighbors Coalition, Inc. Statewide advocacy for tenants and affordable housing.
Tenants PAC Pro-tenant New York political action committee.
Shalom Tenants Alliance Coalition of tenants in over 100 buildings owned or managed by the Shalom/Ohebshalom family.
National Organizations
National Housing Law Project – A national housing law and advocacy center focused on affordable and subsidized housing.
National Low Income Housing Coalition – Preserves existing federally assisted homes and housing resources, expand the supply of low income housing, and establish housing stability as the primary purpose of federal low income housing policy.
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law Resources – for advocates including Clearinghouse Review and the Poverty Law Library.
Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA) – Provides for budding tenant unions information on Organizing to get repairs, Fight against landlord harassment, Ensure that tenants know their rights, Build a sense of community and accountability in the building. They provide tenant advocacy, tenant education and leadership development.
Mothers on the Move (MOM) – A.k.a Madres en Movimiento, a member-led community organization building low-income people of color for community leadership
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation – Serves Bronx CB 11 (Morris Park, Pelham Parkway, Bronxdale, Van Nest, Laconia).
Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition
Brighton Neighborhood Association – Serves Brighton Beach, provides Housing Advocacy, Landlord Assistance, Social Services, Immigrant Outreach, Homeowner counseling, Tenant Organizing, Health Advocacy, and Youth Services
Bensonhurst Tenants Council – (Call (718) 372-2413) Tenant/Landlord mediation, tenant association formation
Carroll Gardens Association, Inc. – CGA is a grassroots neighborhood association that Has faciltated the SouthWest Brooklyn Tenants Union, a nanny association, and provides technical assistance to Hopewell Care, and helped create affordable housing units in the neighborhood
Crown Heights tenants Union – CHTU provides tenant support and assistance, landlord watching, court support, general information, and fights for the rights of Crown Heights tenants. They also provide assistance to other budding tenant unions in different neighborhoods.
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation – Serves Cypress Hills, provides tenant counseling, foreclosure prevention, runs an East New York Homeowners Help Desk, youth and family services.
Fifth Avenue Committee – Serves South Brooklyn, provides housing and tenant advocacy, assists with affordable housing programs, runs a workforce development program, and has adult education programs such as ESL, GED, and computer skills.
Flatbush Development Corp.- Youth & Family Services, After-school Programs, Youth Summer Camp, Cornerstone Community Centers, Tenant Advocacy & Organizing, Housing Resource Fairs, Public Benefit Assistance, Senior Services, Domestic Violence Awareness & Services, HPD Ambassador, Economic Development, Participatory Budgeting
Flatbush Tenants Union – Eviction defense; Tenant organizing; Help w/ connecting to a lawyer; Getting repairs; Help applying for benefits; connecting to health, school, financial, and other resources
IMPACCT Brooklyn – Serves Central Brooklyn, assists tenants and developers along the affordable housing process, evictions and foreclosure prevention, advocacy in landlord-tenant disputes, and community financial literacy.
Los Sures – Provides information and assistance with affordable housing, tenants’ rights, civic engagement, education, immigration and more.
Make the Road New York – Serves Bushwick, provides tenant rights counseling, housing and organizing advocacy, and support on immigration issues with an emphasis on the Latin American and Caribbean community
Riseboro – Public benefits advocacy, emergency rental assistance, third party mediation, tenants’ rights workshops, financial literacy courses, supportive services referrals, emergency rental assistance, legal services.
St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corp – Serves Williamsburg and Greenpoint, Tenant resources, assistance with affordable housing applications, elder care, and youth education.
CAAV– Organizes the Chinatown Tenants Union, NYCHA Organizing Project, and Asian Youth in Action
Community Voices Heard – Provides tenant advocacy and organizing
Cooper Square Committee – Serves 14th to Delancey Streets east of Bowery/3rd Ave, Facilitates building tenant unions, tenant coalitions, legal advocacy and organizing, is involved in the Upstate-Downstate Coalition/Housing Justice for All
Goddard Riverside Law Project – Services SRO tenants on the west side- north of 14th st and apartment tenants living in the area from 100th to 116th Streets, from 5th Avenue to Riverside Drive. Provides: Free legal representation in nonpayment, holdover and Housing Part proceedings
Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES) – Serves 14th to Delancey Streets east of Bowery/4th Ave. and public housing residents on East Side below 14th St, Provides direct services such as housing and tenant rights counseling, assists in affordable housing applications as HPD Housing ambassadors, and tenant organizing
Housing Conservation Coordinators – Serves Hell’s Kitchen/Clinton, HCC provides legal services, tenant and community organizing, and weatherization assistance to thousands of neighborhood residents keep their homes, improve their living conditions, and fight for the changes that will keep our neighborhood affordable and diverse for years to come.
Independence Plaza North Tenant Association – Information and Assistance for the tenants of the Independence Plaza complex
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House – Serves the Upper East Side, this settlement house provides older adult services, an early childhood center, legal advocacy, homeless and housing services, and more.
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation – Serves Washington Heights and Inwood, provides legal services, social services, and weatherization programs
Park West Village Tenants’ Association – Meetings every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm via Zoom. Purposes are to protect the rights tenants in Park West Village (PWV); keep tenants informed of their rights; represent PWVTA members in negotiations with Park West Management; represent the concerns of PWVTA members to outside organizations and to elected officials and government agencies; and tenant organizing
Strycker’s Bay Neighborhood Council – Serves the Upper West Side, temporarily closed.
Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association – Organizing tenant rights campaigns, tenants rights counseling and support
Tenants & Neighbors – Tenant organizing, political advocacy for tenants rights
University Settlement Society/Project Home – Serves the Lower East Side, Case management, homeless and tenant assistance
Asian Americans for Equality – AAFE works with clients one-on-one to ensure their rights to safe and decent housing, to secure and extend appropriate government housing subsidies, to make sure they have access to social support programs, such as food stamps and Medicaid and to provide assistance with immigration matters.
Catholic Migration Services – Provides Housing, Immigration, and Workers Rights services
CCHAYA CDC – Provides counseling and support with housing issues, immigration, and civic engagement
Make the Road New York – Serves western Queens, Provides tenant rights counseling, housing and organizing advocacy, and support on immigration issues with an emphasis on the Latin American and Caribbean community
Margert Community Corporation – Serves Far Rockaway area, Offers housing counseling services and home buyer assistance
Queens Community House – Serves Queens, Offers family services such as housing and homelessness prevention programs, immigration services, and food access initiatives as well as a slew of community assistance
Riseboro – Provides tenant services such as rent arrears assistance and legal counseling. Must be referred in court for these
Staten Island
Make the Road New York – Serves Port Richmond, Provides Housing; Public Benefits; Immigration; Action NYC services
Some of the following organizations provide assistance to tenants:
1) Member organizations of the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development.
2) Member agencies of the United Neighborhood Houses, a citywide federation of settlement houses.
3) Community-Based Housing Organizations receiving DHCR grant to return to court.